多元課程活動Date: 12.14.2022
Title: 服務業領導企業實務分享
Host: 杜墨瑋教授,國際學院
Speaker: 盛治仁,雲朗觀光集團總經理
Objectives: 服務業品質指標如何達標? 如何更上一層樓? 從日常的訓練到客戶服務場景,如何激勵內部同仁邁向極致客戶服務。藉由講師豐富的服務業經驗,解說服務業實戰經驗,和同學交流互動,增加同學們在學習中的實務學習。
Outcomes: 從雲朗集團在台灣經營及跨足海外市場的經營規劃和企劃行銷,充分了解到服務的文化,必須從每日的工作與員工的心態養成出發。每日操練,從第一線員工到經營階層,全部依目標來執行內部的計畫方案。這樣,才能讓客戶滿意。而每日的訓練,和細細地了解客戶的需求,也才能提出超越客戶期待的服務,讓客戶有WOW的經驗。這對於學生來說,是個非常好的實戰經驗分享。也是個將理論運用在實際的大好機會。
The Now of Taiwan's Performing Arts Landscape
多元課程活動Date: 12.21.2022
Title: The Now of Taiwan’s Performing Arts Landscape
Host: 吳大維教授,時尚與創新管理學程
Speaker: Kathy Hong, the Executive Director of Cloud Gate Cultural and Arts Foundation
Objectives: To broaden the students’ knowledge and views to their future career path here in Taiwan and also overseas possibilities with regards to the performing arts. By introducing the history of the performing arts through the Cloud Gate Dance troop and the Foundation, and what we can see going on in today’s performing arts groups, different performing arts centers and the activities connected to the various styles and groups internationally.
Outcome: The expert presentation went very nicely and the speaker introduced to the students a very informative speech on her own career path, the history of Cloud Gate Dance Troop and the Foundation, different performing arts groups in Taiwan and those international groups that are connected to Taiwan, plus various performing arts centers throughout Taiwan. Also the speaker shares her personal experience for her career with our students which is priceless information. The students also participated with their questions and answers. I know both the students and the teacher gained quite a lot about the performing arts. It may not be as well-known as other subjects in the arts world, but I believe the performing arts has a lot to offer to FIM students and will be a good place to expand their horizon, possibly their career opportunities.